1. Vulli Teething Products: Sophie the Giraffe and Pie Gnon (mushroom shaped) Soft Chew Toys
These are BPA free, non-toxic toys excellent for teething babes. These are Madison's FAVORITE toys at the moment. For some reason ALL babies love these toys.
http://www.vulli-toys.com/ , http://www.babyearth.com/ , http://www.landofnod.com/
2. Earth Mama Angel Baby Breastfeeding and Bottom Balm products
Use the Bottom Balm as preventative for diaper rash. I rub a generous amount before bedtime and dallop after each diaper change and Madison has NEVER had diaper rash. This stuff even works for minor scrapes and burns. I even use it!
Nipple Butter is fantastic for sore, cracked nursing nipples.
You can't argue with hospital recommended, organic, all natural, plant-based balm created without lanolin, certified vegan products!
http://www.earthmamaangelbaby.com/ , http://www.ecobabyandkids.com/ ,other lcoal/major locations
3. Teething Dolls and Cuddle Bunny
Offers soothing relief for teething gum pain. You can dip the knotted hat or hands into cold water and let baby suck or chew.
4. Amber teething necklace
If you are are looking for a homeopathic product that provides relief for teething symptoms, wearing Baltic amber close to the skin will help calm a baby without resorting to the use of drugs. "Natural anti-inflamitory and pain relieving properties of baltic amber are perfect to soothe teething babies."
"Baltic Amber teething necklaces are the ideal solution when you choose to care for your baby in a natural way."
"Amber necklaces are made for wearing, not for chewing as amber exhibits its pain relieving qualities when worn on the skin. Please use caution and supervise your child while using the necklace!"
http://www.amber-teething-necklace.com/ , http://www.novanatural.com/baby/teethers
Or check out your local bead shops for Baltic Amber stones and make your own necklace.
5.Whoozits by Manhattan Baby Toys
Stimulates baby's developing senses with bold colors,shapes,hidden noise makers like the squeker noise and crinkly points,and variety of textures. Can be hung from car seat or stroller. Babies LOVE Whoozits! Won several awards for the great design.
Find at Target, Walmart or http://www.manhattantoy.com/.
6. Baby slings
Slings "have been an integral part of nursing, holding and mothering a child for centuries throughout almost every culture. There is a closeness that a sling provides that no other method of holding a baby can provide.
The warmth, the heartbeat, the bond between mother and child — all of these are at the center of what is important in parenting a new baby. Baby slings are the most effective and simple way to maintain the warm, natural connection a child has with its mother."
Has made shopping, cooking,housework,travel,nursing and holding SO MUCH easier!
http://www.mayawrap.com/, http://www.slinglings.com/, Target, Babies R Us, just about ANY children's boutique.
7. Maple or Cherry/Wood Teethers and Rattles
Organically shaped, beeswax finish, 100% maple or cherry/wood and natural. Easy to grip.
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