What a fantastic (and tiresome) week this has been thus far! Madison is developing quite the little personality these days and continues to hit new milestones weekly it seems.
Wordful Wednesday Entry Photo...This weeks theme: Fun With Boxes
Madi loves to play in boxes!
Here's a look at what Madi has been up to this week.....
~ Claps when I sing songs to her and when we play patty cake.
~Bounces or thrusts(embarrassingly! lol) when we sing/hum certain songs. She really likes the "Ghostbusters" theme song(Grant started singing it to her this past Sunday morning when it was on television) and another song I made up months ago that I am a bit embarrassed to confess to....it is similar to the song "Lady Humps"...nuf' said!!
~Started playing a new game with us this weekend where she crawls behind a corner or wall and peeks around it smiling. We were rolling with laughter when she started doing this and have made it into a game by saying "peek a boo!" when she does it.
~This past Saturday she learned how to push the right button on the DVR box to turn the television off.
~Started sleeping a solid 5 to 6 hours during the night before waking to nurse. She will fall right back asleep for another 5 or 6 hour stretch.
~Has begun to use certain items for their intended purposes. She will try to brush her hair with her hairbrush, try to talk on the phone, brings spoons to her mouth to eat.
~Shakes, bangs and drops all her toys.
~She loves to drop or throw toys over the ledge of our sofa, her high chair and our bed. Drives us mad to constantly pick them up!lol
~Points and looks at my mouth when I ask her where my mouth is.
~Reaches for me or Grant when she wants to be picked up.
~When she gets excited, she makes a panting or hyper-ventilating noise. It is so adorable!
~She said Mama for the first time last week and now she says it ALL the time!
~She has started to pat me on the chest or face and say what sounds very much like "MY MAMA" !
~When she realizes Grant is not home during the day, she will look around and very quietly whisper "Dada"...she also will say this in the mornings when she wakes up to him not in bed. So sweet:)
~I bought her first sippy cup (we have been letting her get use to a practice sipper cup) last Friday and she has started baby water. She loves the thing!
~Crawling speedily everywhere and getting into everything.
~She is cutting TWO new tooth...her two middle top teeth.
~She pulls herself up on things and can hold herself in an upright position, balanced for many minutes.
~She loves to sit on her knees and play.
~She can easily pull over her toy basket and choose a toy to play with.
~Waves bye-bye when we put toys away and when anyone leaves a room.
She is learning so much so fast and growing up into such a beautiful, intelligent little girl. I can't believe how big she has gotten! I cherish each and every day with my special little angel.
Random Photos
More box fun.....
Madi also tries to 'ride' on boxes!
Are you flipping me off?!?
*I have decided to move my blog to Wordpress.
Please continue to enjoy our blog at http://parentinginmypajamas.wordpress.com/
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