Saturday, March 13, 2010

Contained Mess

I know this is kind of a nasty topic, but I could not resist blogging about it! I mean this IS a blog about parenting...pitfalls and all. LOL

Tonight, Madi had the biggest diaper blowout! Technically it wasn't a blowout...more of a contained mess. Thank you Pampers Stay Dry diapers size 3! We just went up a size and being a tad bit big on Madi, saved this from being a true diaper blowout. We have had our fair share of diaper failure and it ain't pretty!

We smelled it before we saw or heard it. Madi was happily playing in her bouncer and gave no indication that she was in the midst of creating a masterpiece. Grant and I looked at one another, sniffing the air.

"Wasn't me!" Grant
"Don't look at me!" Me

Both turning to Madi at the same time, inhaling deep the mystery smell was determined.

When I unsnapped her onesie I discovered a mass quantity of poo. There was such an abundance that it had spilled over the back of the diaper and was clear up her back! The onesie(thank goodness) had kept it from leaking out. We could not pull her outfit over her head because poo would have inevitably gotten in her hair, on her face, etc. So we had to take scissors and cut her it off. A few snips straight up the middle and we had that onesie peeled off her body! It was obvious that she needed to have another bath tonight:)

Funny thing is...this did not faze either one of us in the least bit! It is amazing what you can handle as parents!

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