Monday, March 29, 2010

Baby Fashionista Diva

Hello my friends!!!

I am soooo raising a baby fashionista diva! This child of mine has almost more clothes than I do...and she is only 8 1/2 months old:) LOL.

She LOVES to go shopping?!? I am serious...when I take her to a store/mall...she is happy and giggly...totally in heaven:) She is of course a total social butterfly (like her mama) and always gets lots of attention when we are out (soo not like her mama! LOL).

I love to shop. My mom loves to shop.

Growing up mom and me would go on 'special' girl shopping trips. I wore a uniform to school everyday, 5 out of 7 days of the week...for 12 years!! So getting new & stylish outfits was such a wonderful, fantastic treat for me! Mom did it up right too!

Today a wee 8 months old (lucky girl) got in on the action.

We literally shopped 'til Madi dropped (I had her in my sling and her little head just drooped after a few hours:)

Photos BEFORE the shoping extravaganza!!

A few photos before we head out for some power shopping!

Here are some photos of ALL the wonderfully adorable clothes Madi got today.
(thank you Oma !!)

Easter PJs:)

OSU gear for our lil' cowgirl!

LOVE these crawler dresses from Gap!!

Yeah...lots of jeans!

Love our Babylegs:)

Organic outfit

Outfits for her 1 year birthday in July

I always had matching bonnets as a little girl:)

'A few' of her Easter dresses:)

*I have decided to move my blog to Wordpress.
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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Another Wordful Wednesday

Hello friends!

What a fantastic (and tiresome) week this has been thus far! Madison is developing quite the little personality these days and continues to hit new milestones weekly it seems.

Wordful Wednesday Entry Photo...This weeks theme: Fun With Boxes

Madi loves to play in boxes!

Here's a look at what Madi has been up to this week.....

~ Claps when I sing songs to her and when we play patty cake.

~Bounces or thrusts(embarrassingly! lol) when we sing/hum certain songs. She really likes the "Ghostbusters" theme song(Grant started singing it to her this past Sunday morning when it was on television) and another song I made up months ago that I am a bit embarrassed to confess is similar to the song "Lady Humps"...nuf' said!!

~Started playing a new game with us this weekend where she crawls behind a corner or wall and peeks around it smiling. We were rolling with laughter when she started doing this and have made it into a game by saying "peek a boo!" when she does it.

~This past Saturday she learned how to push the right button on the DVR box to turn the television off.

~Started sleeping a solid 5 to 6 hours during the night before waking to nurse. She will fall right back asleep for another 5 or 6 hour stretch.

~Has begun to use certain items for their intended purposes. She will try to brush her hair with her hairbrush, try to talk on the phone, brings spoons to her mouth to eat.

~Shakes, bangs and drops all her toys.

~She loves to drop or throw toys over the ledge of our sofa, her high chair and our bed. Drives us mad to constantly pick them up!lol

~Points and looks at my mouth when I ask her where my mouth is.

~Reaches for me or Grant when she wants to be picked up.

~When she gets excited, she makes a panting or hyper-ventilating noise. It is so adorable!

~She said Mama for the first time last week and now she says it ALL the time!

~She has started to pat me on the chest or face and say what sounds very much like "MY MAMA" !

~When she realizes Grant is not home during the day, she will look around and very quietly whisper "Dada"...she also will say this in the mornings when she wakes up to him not in bed. So sweet:)

~I bought her first sippy cup (we have been letting her get use to a practice sipper cup) last Friday and she has started baby water. She loves the thing!

~Crawling speedily everywhere and getting into everything.

~She is cutting TWO new tooth...her two middle top teeth.

~She pulls herself up on things and can hold herself in an upright position, balanced for many minutes.

~She loves to sit on her knees and play.

~She can easily pull over her toy basket and choose a toy to play with.

~Waves bye-bye when we put toys away and when anyone leaves a room.

She is learning so much so fast and growing up into such a beautiful, intelligent little girl. I can't believe how big she has gotten! I cherish each and every day with my special little angel.

Random Photos

More box fun.....

Madi also tries to 'ride' on boxes!

Are you flipping me off?!?

*I have decided to move my blog to Wordpress.

Please continue to enjoy our blog at

Saturday, March 20, 2010

My Heart is Melting

Madi said "Mama" tonight! Ah! My heart is literally melting!!!!

She looked right at me and said in the clearest, sweetest little voice, mama! Oh my gosh! I shed some tears of joy.

For the rest of the night she has been crawling towards me repeating mama. I was on the phone with my mom and she heard her clear as day. I will be another room and I will hear her saying my name! I am the happiest mama right now. As I type this, baby girl is crawling into the office from the living room saying 'Mama'!

*I have decided to move my blog to Wordpress.

Please continue to enjoy our blog at

My Blog Has Moved

I have decided to move my blog to Wordpress.

Please continue to enjoy our blog at

A Snowy Spring Saturday

It is Spring. It is Snowing. I had shorts and a tee-shirt on yesterday. Today I have on a sweatshirt. That's Oklahoma weather for ya'!

I remember as a kid growing up, leaving for Spring Break in the middle of a snow storm. Or leaving in beautiful weather and coming home to a snow storm. So, this really is not too out of the ordinary. As long as I am inside a cozy home safe and warm with my loved ones, I enjoy a good snow! It really is a beautiful sight. The trees are capped in white and there's a distinct smell to the outdoor air. Like chimney smoke and that unique 'cold' smell. I can't quite describe it. It just smells 'cold' and crisp.

Madi woke up around 9:45 AM...early for her. She usually sleeps in until 10 or 11, but she slept solid last night for 5 or 6 hours without nursing! This is a new record for us! Most nights she will sleepily nurse every 2 or 3 hours.

Yesterday she ate an entire jar of baby apples(also a new record for her!) compared to half or 3/4 of the usual amount she eats in one sitting. This could have contributed to the great sleep. I don't plan on getting use to the idea of her sleeping this well every night however! At this age, with all the developmental changes and milestones Madi is hitting, sleep varies from one night to the next.

I decided to make chicken tortilla soup today. It is a slow cooker, all day kind of recipe. I like to boil a whole organic chicken. That way I get a good homemade stock! The prep work for the recipe takes the most time. So DH took Madi off my hands while I chopped vegetables and got the chicken boiling on the stove.

While I was in the kitchen DH had managed to get Madi down for a nap. She has been napping solid for the past hour! I am getting some blogging done and will even be able to enjoy a relaxing, quiet shower! It is amazing how much I look forward to a quiet shower these days.

So that's my day so far. It is definitely a stay in day!

Friday, March 19, 2010


We were blessed with gorgeous weather again today. It started out a bit on the chilly side this morning but by 1:00 PM it had warmed to a pleasant 50 degrees. I tried to soak up every last bit of the sunshine as there are reports that the weather is going to turn nasty early tomorrow morning. It is supposed to go from rain to snow by the afternoon! That's crazy Oklahoma weather for you!

I had to get a crown put on this afternoon, so DH watched Madi for a couple of hours. I even ran to the store afterwards ALONE for the first time in weeks! Even though I was at the dentist, it was nice to have a break. I need to make more time for myself. I am starting to realize how important it is to take little breaks from being with Madi and have some "me" time every now and again. It is getting a little easier for me to leave her with DH for a couple of hours at a time.

We are still nursing, so she usually gets pretty frantic for me if I'm away too long from her. I chose from the beginning not to pump and use bottles, so I am her primary source of milk and comfort.

Madi has never taken a pacifier either, so when she starts having a meltdown because she needs or wants me and I am not around, it is impossible for anyone but me to calm her. DH can attest to this. On several occasions, I have come home to a screaming, sobbing baby. And it has broken my heart:( I think that is why I am so hesitant to leave when I do, I just think about her constantly and end up feeling guilty for not being there for her should she need or want me. I know, I know. Major separation issues...I admit it, unashamed!

One of these days I will 'allow' one of our parents (who are very eager) to watch her so DH and I can have a date night...the time will come. I am in no hurry and neither is DH to leave her. We love having Madi with us ALL the time and we have had many years of dating and many more in the future. I think right now we are still so in love with being parents and never want to be apart from our lovey!

Ok...I have rambled on enough. I am so long-winded sometimes!

I am Thankful for...

*Sunrises. I have seen some really awesome sunrises in some really awesome places. Over the ocean on a boat, on a mountain, at the beach, in foreign lands, in the desert, during a snowstorm, during a beautiful rainstorm, from a hotel rooftop, from my rooftop, on my honeymoon...just to name a few! All memorable and beautiful.

*Sunsets. Romantic and peaceful way to say goodbye to the day.

*Patience. Some days it takes every ounce of patience to stay calm with a screaming, teething baby who just needs to be held and loved!

*My education. My parents spared no expense when it came to my and my older brother's education. we went to private schools growing up and were afforded the opportunities to attend four-year colleges.

*My religion and spirituality. Without my beliefs and acknowledgment of God, I would be lost in life.

*My cell phone. I didn't realize how secure it made me feel and how much I depend on it until I was without it for 6 months.

*Co-sleeping with my daughter. We brought Madi into our bed to sleep with us when she was 1 week old and she has slept in the crook of my arm ever since.

Dear Madison,

~You love boxes! You like to pull up on them, climb in them and on them.

~Today,for the first time, you ate an entire jar of baby apples! Good girl!

~You are becoming quite the good eater and are so curious about foods. You like to watch us eat and know how to use a spoon (sort of). You will try grab at our food put it in your mouth, but you can't eat big people foods yet...someday:)

~You are SO ticklish especially under your arms and on your belly.

~You grab your feet and put them in your mouth and laugh because you tickle yourself:)LOL

~You LOVE, LOVE, LOVE when I jump around the room and make monkey sounds.

~You laugh so hard when I do aerobics or jump up and down or dance for you.

~You love to be bounced up and down.

~You love all music...the louder the better!
~You have no interest in television...yet. Let's keep it that way:)

~You are even more beautiful than yesterday and keep getting more gorgeous everyday.

~You have an infectious smile and laugh.

~You can pull yourself into a sitting position all by yourself.

~When music is playing bounce or rock tot he beat.

I LOVE the look on her mischievous!

Madi loves her dentist, Grandpa Doug.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patty Day

Our family is not Irish, so really, this day is just an excuse to have a celebration:) LOL. And boy do I love any excuse to have a celebration! If you know anything at all about me , you know how much I L-O-V-E to plan and throw impromptu parties! My family and friends always tell me that I should be a party planner or a wedding planner (whole different post)!

I love, love, love all decorations and invitations. I have an entire closet full of notecards, invitations,wrapping paper in every imaginable color/design,bows,etc. I frequent my local invitation stores on a weekly basis...they know me so well they even set back new items that come in:) lol.

I am brainstorming ideas for a simple, Irish-Romantic themed dinner for DH and I. I have never cooked Irish foods, so I may just stick to green foods! Maybe a nice spinach salad?

In past years, we have met friends out at one of our local Irish pubs for dinner and drinks....but now with baby? Yeah, times they are a changin'!

I am planning a 10 year Wedding Anniversary/Party for my big brother and am seriously thinking about working in the St. Patrick's day theme at that time since it will be at the end of March. Also, Dad's b-day is on the 31st, so maybe...

Madi got into the spirit of the holiday as well. I am a sucker for theme outfits!

Madi L-O-V-E-S her Sophie!

Of course, her bow matches her always:)

A bit on the chilly side no walk for us this morning. Gonna' run to the grocery store and do a couple of other errands. Hopefully naptime will come shortly after returning home, or even better in the car on the way home!

Sophie's cousin Chan...madi's other fave toy.

Wordful Wednesday

A daughter is a day brightener and a heart warmer. ~Author Unknown

Here is the picture I submitted for Wordful Wednesday photo contest:
Madi has the most amazing crystal blue eyes. This is one of my faves of Miss Madi! It was taken a few weeks ago.

Dear Madison,

You turned 8 months old yesterday. You are growing up so incredibly fast....right before daddy and my eyes! How much you have learned and how beautiful you continue to get each and every day. I am proud to be your mother. You fill my heart and soul so full of love.

I love that...

*you reach for me with outstretched arms when you see me.

*the first thing you do every morning is smile.

*the second thing you do in the morning is give me your version of a open your mouth and suck on my cheek

*our eyes lock and we just stare at one another until seconds become minutes.

*you crawl up to my feet and pull up on my pant leg.

*you smile when you're nursing.

*you hug me around my neck with your tiny arms.

*you wrap your little hand around my finger and hold on tight when you start to fall asleep.

*your eyes light up when I walk into a room.

*when you are playing on the ground, you will every so often, check to make sure I'm still close by.

*when I walk out of a room and come back in, you are looking in the direction I left from, waiting for me to return!

*you pat me on the chest or shoulder ans say MmmmmA!

*you smile with your eyes!

We love our kicky pants pjs.

You LOVE to chomp on toes and feet:)