Monday, July 27, 2009

Monday with Madi

To become a mother is one of life’s greatest blessings. It is a lifelong event that forever changes you. Becoming a mother changes your heart, your thoughts, and your actions. However, you may soon wish you had a few extra hands.

Madison is 11 days old today!!! I can't believe I have been a mama for 11 whole days! How sweet it is....

After 4 AM feeding Madi cuddled with me for 30 minutes before falling back asleep until 11 AM. Good girl! She is still waking to nurse every 3 to 4 hours during the night. She will generally nurse for ten to twenty minutes at a time.

At around 12:30 PM you went down for an hour and half nap. I still have to hold you while you nap because as soon as I try to set you down, you wake up! Today, I decided to take a nap with you. I do anything these days to sneak in a little extra sleep:) You stayed awake for 2 hours before going down for your big nap of the day. Like clockwork, you nap around 5PM and stay down until 8 or 9PM.

Grant is still on leave from his work, so he has been a BIG help. He has been going to the grocery store for me (and even picking out the right items). I haven't even attempted to get back into the kitchen so we have been eating take out for the past two weeks. I can't wait to have the time to cook again...all the unhealthy processed restaurant food is making me gain weight! lol I will miss the extra set of hands when Grant returns to work on Wednesday;(

Madi today

~Starting to push off with her legs when I hold her up on my lap.
~While asleep, rolled onto stomach for the first time with your head facing to the side. I immediately turned you onto your back and wedged you under the crook of my arm (paranoid mama that I am. LOL)
~Really starting to squirm and roll around a lot while sleeping.
~Locks eyes with me and holds a strong focus on my eyes.
~When awake, she is very alert.
~Focuses intently on my face during nursing.
~When I turn my head side to side, she will follow my movement with her eyes.
~Madison LOVES being outside!
~Crys immediately when I leave the room. Mama's girl already!

Madi and Daddy enjoying some sunshine.

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