Friday, November 27, 2009

Madison's First Turkey Day

Happy Thanksgiving friends!

Madison's first Thanksgiving was wonderful! We enjoyed two seperate celebrations this year.  Thursday was spent with hubby's entire extended family who made it down this year, traveling from Dallas, OKC, Edmond and Houston. It has been almost 5 years since we were all together. Being the first grandbaby in the family, she got lots of attention:) Also meant lots of willing arms to hold Madison which gave me a much needed break!

Me and Madi.

Friday we celebrated with my parents and brother's family. Below ore some pictures of all the grandkids. Madison is the FIRST and only granddaughter! She is very, very spoiled and has all the guys in our family wrapped around her finger. I can't say that I blame them...she is the cutest baby in the universe:) lol.

Cam is so careful with Madi.

Look how Em stares at Madi. They are buddies!

Playing with her Papa

Oma & Madi

Today I am thankful for so many of the blessings that have been bestowed upon me. Instead of rattling off the many usual things I thought I would concentrate on Madison, who I am most thankful for this year. She has brought so much joy into our lives and has really completed our family.

*Today you sat upright all by yourself for 5 whole seconds!! You had to prop yourself up with your arms, but you held your balance. You may not be strong enough yet to pull yourself into a sitting position but yoy are learning fast. We are so very proud of you!!!

*Your smile hardly ever leaves your gorgeous little face and brings happiness to all that see you.

*You are growing up so very quickly and are learning so many new things.

She's so excited about sitting, she's drooling!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Trendy Tuesday - Are Baby Pedi/Mani's Worth It???

Today I went for a pedi and mani at my fave local spa and Miss Madi accompanied me. It was too cute!! All the techs kept saying, "she's a spa baby!"

But...they wanted to paint her nails!

I really wanted to indulge my want for our little princess in the making to be all cutesy...I it worth it?!?

Little girls need their beauty fix, too...right!?

But...I am a bit conflicted.....

I mean M puts her hands and her feet in her mouth ALL the time! How will she possibly NOT ingest nasty toxic paint chemicals from the polish!!!


Just so happens, some FAB people came up with some natural, organic nail polish:)

"Piggy Paint™ is specially formulated from God’s natural ingredients and dries to a hard, durable finish. There are no toxic chemicals; it’s free of formaldehyde, toluene, phthalates, Bisphenol A, ethyl acetate and acetone. "

Shop for the non-toxic nail polish and removers from the Piggy Paint website.
